移民内参 > 新西兰推荐阅读 >移民投资者项目问与答之二


2017-12-27 3063

What are growth investments?



Growth investments are all acceptable investments as defined in immigration instructions except for:



1.     Investment in bonds, and


2.     Philanthropic investment



For managed funds, Business Migration Branch will look at what types of investments are managed in the fund to determine the proportion of growth investment.  For example, a fund which places half of its funds into bonds and the other half into shares would be recognised as having a 50% investment in growth orientated funds.



What are acceptable philanthropic investments?



Philanthropic investments can now make up 15% of acceptable investments.  Investors are able to donate in any area.  The policy will recognise donations to the following types of organisations:



Registered charities: with a track record (ie. They have provided annual returns of at least two years) and with IRD donee status.注册慈善机构:有记录(即他们提供至少两年的年报)并且处于IRD捐款人状态。Not for profit organisations: providing social, cultural or economic benefits for NZ, and as approved by the Immigration Operations Manager.



What if Ive already applied under the Investor 1 category at the time the policy comes in?



In order to be assessed on the eligibility to receive the benefits of investing in growth investments under the new policy (i.e. increased flexibility around time in New Zealand requirements) you should contact Business Migration Branch who will assess your total investments, the growth investment and the existing Visa conditions. Eligibility is assessed on a case by case basis.

为了评估是否有资格获得在新政策下投资增长型投资的利好政策(即在新西兰居住时间的灵活度),您应该联系商业移民部,他们将评估您的总投资额,增长型投资和现有的签证条件。 资格评定是根据每个申请具体情况进行评估。


What if Ive already applied under the Investor 2 category at the time the new policy comes in?



When the policy changes, Investor 2 applicants will have the option to withdraw and relodge their application under the new policy. Those who take up the offer will have the fee waived on their subsequent application and will retain the same place in the processing queue.  Each applicant will need to carefully consider whether the new or the old policy is best for them.



I put in an expression of interest in which I claimed enough points to be selected under the old threshold, but from 1 May I wont meet the selection criteria. What can I do?

我递交了一份意向书,可在旧的政策之下获得足够的分数,但从51日起,我将不符合挑选标准。 我该怎么办?


If your EOI has not been selected and remains in the pool at implementation of the new policy, you have the option to submit an expression of interest under the new policy.  If you chose to do so, the EOI fee will be waived.  If you choose not to, your old EOI will remain in the pool until it expires 6 months from the date your original EOI was lodged, but will not be able to be selected.



Can I still submit an Expression of Interest?



All Expressions of Interest received up until the last draw held on the day before implementation of the new policy will be assessed under the current instructions. From May 2017 all new EOIs must be on the new form.


在新政策实施之前举行的最后一次筛选,将根据当时的指导对收到的所有意向书进行评估。 从20175月起,所有新的意向书必须采用新表格。


When will the detail of the new policy be available?



The detail of the policy (the immigration instructions) is being worked on currently. It is likely to be approved by the Minister of Immigration by the end of March 2017.



1. 计分因素的改变概括:

A. 评分因素中最低投资资金由原来的150万纽币增加到300万纽币,所以现在的投资分数从300万纽币起算基本分数10分。

B. 年龄分参照技能移民, 按每5岁列出每档分数。 最高分由35分降低为 20分。

C. 经商经验由最高1030分增加到15 45

D. 英语的最高分由原来5+ 10分加都雅思 8+ 20

E. 投资资金投入25%到增长的投资项目 外加 20分。


由于最低入围分数线仍然为20分。如果假设仍然按原来的最低要求,投资必须要最低10分,经商最低39分, 英文要最低雅思3分得1分总20分的话。 其实上面改变的分数只能针对有竞争情况的入围分数对具备这些分数优势的申请人有利。 除了投资资金外。其它有可比性的是经商经验和英文。按我们以往对申请人的了解看。如果经商经验比较短和英文比较差的申请人,可能投资额要达到500万才能入围,假设300万的申请门槛还能吸引足够的兴趣的话。 我们只能拭目以待了。


2. 投资25% 的资金到增长行投资所带来的好处


A. 投资一类的移民监只要3年里面坐够88天。平均每年 30天。 并且可以在3年的任何时间完成。更加灵活。这个是具有吸引力的新利好。

B. 投资2类也类似,在4年中坐满 146X3 = 438的总天数。相比于现行的后3年中每年146天。更加灵活和低要求。属于新政的利好。

C. 投资在增长行的投资其实可选的稳健和合理回报的投资还是有不少的。类似新西兰房地产信托之类的基金。既稳健,又能为投资人带来比国债高几倍的收益。

D. 另外投资2类的申请人还可以享受优先处理的机会。但这个是否能实施还要看看他们怎么去做管理和甄别这些申请的。因为投资是在原则批准后发生的。如果先申报,是否有约束机制来规定原批后投资人去执行等因素。


3. 针对正在申请中的投资一类申请人。只要能投资25%以上到增长行投资项目。是有可能使用上新政的利好。


3. 至于慈善投资本人认为可能对大多数人来说。没有太大的意义。




总体来说,投资2类的申请条件的确是大大提高了。 所以够条件的申请人应该尽快提出申请。


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