移民内参 > 新西兰推荐阅读 >移民投资者项目问与答之一


2017-12-27 2572


What is the Investor Programme and how does it work?



The Migrant Investor programme is a residence policy for people who wish to live permanently in New Zealand.   It comprises of Investor 1 (those who have a minimum of NZ$10million to invest) and Investor 2 (those who have a minimum of NZ$1.5 million to invest).

移民投资者项目是为希望去新西兰永久居住的人群而制定的居留(移民)政策。 它包括投资者1类(投资最低1,000万纽币的投资者)和投资者2类(投资最低150万纽币的投资者)。


A person who wishes to apply for residence under the investor 2 Category must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to Immigration New Zealand, claiming points for factors such as business experience, age and English language competency. Immigration New Zealand does a fortnightly draw selecting EOIs based on the points claimed, then invites people with sufficient points to apply.



What are the changes to the Investor 1 category?



The minimum investment will remain unchanged at $10m.  However, an Investment of 25% in growth-oriented investments (equity, commercial property, new residential builds, managed funds) will mean Investor 1 migrants can spend their required time in NZ more flexibly.   Specifically, 88 days over three years.  Additionally, Investor 1 applicants will be able to invest up to 15% of their nominated investment funds in acceptable philanthropic investments.



What are the changes to the Investor 2 category?



Policy changes to the Investor 2 category include:



·         Increasing the minimum investment funds required from $1.5 million to $3 million

·         将所需的最低投资额从150万纽币增加至300万纽币

·         Removing the need for $1million to be held for settlement funds

·         不再需要持有100万纽币的“安家”资金

·         Adding 20 bonus points for investing a minimum 25% of funds in growth investments

·         如果增长型投资占总投资额的比重不低于25%,奖励加20

·         Increasing the annual cap of approved Investor 2 migrants from 300 to 400.

·         将批准的投资者2类移民者的年度上限从300增加到400个名额。

·         Adjusting points for age, business experience and English language.

·         调整年龄,经商经验和英语语言的评分标准。

·         Providing flexibility with the time required in New Zealand if migrants invest 25% of their funds in growth investments by allowing them to spend 438days over four years (rather than requiring 146 days in each of years two, three and four.

·         如果移民者将投资资金的25%投到“增长型”投资,可为他们在新西兰的时间安排提供更为灵活的居住政策,即允许在四年内住满438天(而不是在第二、三和四年每年住满146天)。

·         Allowing up to 15% of investment funds to be made in acceptable philanthropic investments

·         允许高达15%的投资资金投在被认可的慈善投资中

·         Immigration New Zealand will also prioritise Investor 2 migrants who intend to place 25 per cent or more of their funds in growth investments.

·         新西兰移民局还将“优先考虑”那些有意将25%或更多的资金投入增长型投资的投资者2类移民者。


How are Investor 2 points changing?



The Investor 2 points system operates with an Expression of Interest process where Investors submit an Expression of Interest which is ranked based on points allocated for the amounts of funds, level of business experience, age and English language competency. The highest-ranked Expressions of Interest are drawn from the pool fortnightly, and those migrants who have been successful are then invited to apply for residence.  There is no change to the minimum points required to submit an Expression of Interest.  The key changes to the points that can be claimed are:



·         Reward applicants with a higher level of English competency (with additional points for IELTS scores above level 5),

·         奖励具有较高英语能力水平的申请人(雅思成绩高于5分的可额外加分)

·         Streamline the points for age

·         简化年龄评分

·         Increase points awarded for more business experience.

·         为具有更多经商经验的申请人增加分数。

·         Award 20 bonus points for investing a minimum 25% of funds in growth investments.

·         奖励将不低于25%的资金投到增长型投资的申请人加20分。


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