加拿大移民 > 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业
72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业

72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业 Air traffic controllers and related occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Air traffic controllers direct air traffic within assigned airspace, and control moving aircraft and service vehicles at airports. Flight service specialists provide pilots with flight information essential to aviation safety. Flight dispatchers authorize airline flights over assigned routes. Air traffic controllers and flight service specialists are employed by NAV Canada and the Canadian Forces. Flight dispatchers are employed by airline and air services companies and by the Canadian Forces. 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空中交通管制(ATC) air traffic controller (ATC) 
* 机场空中交通管制员 airport air traffic controller 
* 航路空中交通管制员 enroute air traffic controller 
* 飞行签派员 flight dispatcher 
* 飞行服务专家(FSS) flight service specialist (FSS) 
* 仪表飞行规则的空中交通管制员 instrument flight rules air traffic controller 
* 终端空中交通管理员 terminal air traffic controller 
* 目视飞行规则空中交通管制员 visual flight rules air traffic controller 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 空中交通管制员执行部分或全部下列职责:Air traffic controllers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 使用雷达显示器,无线电和其他通信设备和目视参考,管理分配空域内的空中交通流 
Control flow of air traffic within assigned airspace using radar monitors, radio and other communication equipment and visual references 

* 向飞行员发出飞机起飞和降落的指示,在飞行中向飞行员转播气象,导航和其他信息 
Issue aircraft takeoff and landing instructions to pilots and relay meteorological, navigational and other information to pilots in flight 

* 与相邻的控制塔,终端控制单元和其它区域管制中心保持无线电和电话联系,协调飞机进入毗邻地区的活动 
Maintain radio and telephone contact with adjacent control towers, terminal control units and other area control centres, and co-ordinate movement of aircraft into adjoining areas 

* 当飞机遇到的困难时向机场紧急预警服务系统报警,报告失踪飞机搜寻和救援服务情况 
Alert airport emergency services when aircraft are experiencing difficulties and report missing aircraft to search and rescue services 

* 指导所有移动飞机的活动,为机场跑道上或附近的车辆服务。 
Direct activities of all moving aircraft and service vehicles on or near airport runways. 

### 飞行服务专家执行部分或全部下列职责:Flight service specialists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 提供飞行前关于当前和未来天气条件,无线电频率,地形,机场和相关数据等信息,以协助飞行员准备飞行计划 
Provide pre-flight information concerning current and forecast weather conditions, radio frequencies, terrain, airports and related data to assist pilots in preparation of flight plans 

* 检查飞行计划的完整性和准确性,并向空中交通服务机构发送飞行计划 
Check flight plans for completeness and accuracy and forward flight plans to air traffic services facility 

* 回应来自准备起飞或着陆的飞机发出的无线电呼叫,并提供信息,如天气条件,风速和方向,当地空中交通现状 
Respond to radio calls from aircraft preparing for takeoff or landing and supply information such as weather conditions, wind speed and direction and presence of local air traffic 

* 通过广播飞行许可,到达和出发信息及位置报告请求,支持空中交通管制工作 
Support air traffic control operations by relaying radio requests for flight clearances, arrival and departure information and position reports 

* 提醒机场紧急服务部门飞机遇到困难,飞机延误是,主动发起沟通搜索 
Alert airport emergency services of aircraft experiencing difficulties and initiate communication searches when aircraft become overdue 

* 观察,记录和报告机场的天气条件。 
Observe, record and report weather conditions at airports. 

### 飞行签派员执行部分或全部下列职责:Flight dispatchers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 分析环境条件和评估飞机载荷和燃料能力等因素来确定飞行路线 
Analyze environmental conditions and assess aircraft for load and fuel capacity and other factors to determine flight routes 

* 在起飞前向机组人员简介天气条件,导航设施的状态和途经机场 
Brief flight crew before takeoff on weather conditions, status of navigational facilities and airports en route 

* 与飞行机长共同签署授权 
Co-sign flight authorization with aircraft captain 

* 监测飞行进展情况,在飞行过程中按要求与飞机保持沟通 
Monitor progress of flight and communicate as required with aircraft during flight 

* 条件许可情况下,推迟或取消航班 
Delay or cancel flights if conditions warrant 

* 准备和保持飞行计划,飞行日志和其他报告。 
Prepare and maintain flight plans, flight logs and other reports. 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 必须持有基础无线电话运营商执照。 
A basic radio telephone operator's licence is required. 

* 空中交通管制员和飞行服务专家需要完成加拿大航行服务公司培训计划,其中包括结构级别和在职培训。 
Air traffic controllers and flight service specialists require completion of a NAV Canada training program which includes structured in-class and on-the-job training. 

* 空中交通管制员要求持有空中交通管制员执照。 
Air traffic controllers require an air traffic controller's licence. 

* 飞行签派员可能需要空中交通管制或飞行操作经验,并且可能需要私人飞行员执照。 
Flight dispatchers may require experience in air traffic control or flight operations and may require a private pilot's licence. 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 具有经验并且持有适当的加拿大航行服务公司签署证明的空中交通管制员可能会转移到具有较高的空中交通量的单位。 
Air traffic controllers with experience and appropriate NAV Canada endorsements may move to units with higher volumes of air traffic. 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 铁路交通管制和海上交通监管 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators [2275](2275) 

## 72601 空中交通管制员和相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空中交通控制助理 air traffic control assistant 
* 空中交通管制主任 air traffic control chief 
* 空中交通管制人员 air traffic control officer 
* 空中交通管制员(ATC) air traffic controller (ATC) 
* 空中交通管制员,机场 air traffic controller, airport 
* 空中交通管制员,在途中 air traffic controller, enroute 
* 空中交通管制员,终端 air traffic controller, terminal 
* 空中交通统筹 air traffic co-ordinator 
* 航空调度员 airline dispatcher 
* 机场空中交通管制员 airport air traffic controller 
* 助理,空中交通管制 assistant, air traffic control 
* ATC(空中交通管制) ATC (air traffic controller) 
* 主要空中交通管制员 chief air traffic controller 
* 管理者,空中交通 controller, air traffic 
* 调度,航班 dispatcher, flights 
* 途中,空中交通管制员 enroute air traffic controller 
* 飞行调度助理 flight dispatch assistant 
* 飞行签派员 flight dispatcher 
* 飞行运行员 flight operations officer 
* 飞行服务专家(FSS) flight service specialist (FSS) 
* 头空中交通管制员 head air traffic controller 
* 仪表飞行规则的空中交通管制员 instrument flight rules air traffic controller 
* 空中交通管制人员 officer, air traffic control 
* 终端空中交通控制器 terminal air traffic controller 
* 塔台管制员 - 空中交通 tower controller – air traffic 
* 空中交通管制员目视飞行规则 visual flight rules air traffic controller  
