加拿大移民 > 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官
72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官

72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Air pilots fly fixed wing aircraft and helicopters to provide air transportation and other services such as crop spraying and aerial surveying. Flight engineers assist air pilots with monitoring, troubleshooting and maintenance of aircraft systems and with pre- and post-flight inspections. Flying instructors teach flying techniques and procedures to student and licensed pilots. Air pilots, flight engineers and flight instructors are employed by airline and air freight companies, flying schools and by other public and private sector aircraft operators. 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空中飞行员 air pilot 
* 队长 - 航空运输 captain – air transport 
* 检查飞行员 check pilot 
* 首席飞行教官 chief flying instructor 
* 首席飞行员 chief pilot 
* 副驾驶 co-pilot 
* 飞行工程师 flight engineer 
* 飞行教官 flying instructor 
* 直升机飞行员 helicopter pilot 
* 飞行员教练 pilot instructor 
* 救助飞行员 relief pilot 
* 副驾驶 - 航空运输 second officer – air transport 
* 试飞员 test pilot 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 航飞行员执行部分或全部下列职责:Air pilots perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 进行飞机飞行前的检查,检查乘客及货物配送,以确保重量和平衡规格相符 
Conduct pre-flight inspection of aircraft and check passenger and cargo distribution to ensure that weight and balance specifications are met 

* 在飞行过程中,协调与地勤人员和空中交通管制的飞行活动,通知机组人员,测试程序,指导机务人员的活动 
Co-ordinate flight activities with ground crews and air-traffic control, inform crew members of flight and test procedures and direct activities of aircraft crew during flights 

* 针对起飞的间隙,到达说明和其它信息,联系控制塔 
Contact control towers for takeoff clearances, arrival instructions and other information 

* 进行飞行测试,飞行过程中监控飞机设备和系统的运作,与飞行签派员,气象预报员保持沟通,做出回应,并及时报告飞行中的紧急情况和故障 
Conduct in-flight tests and monitor functioning of aircraft equipment and systems during flights, maintain communications with flight dispatchers and weather forecasters and respond to and report in-flight emergencies and malfunctions 

* 准备飞行评估报告 
Prepare flight evaluation reports 

* 训练飞行员使用新设备,或者准备考试重新验证或升级现有许可证 
Train pilots to use new equipment, or prepare them for examinations to re-validate or upgrade existing licences 

* 飞新的或实验飞机从而重新审视自己的飞行性能和安全性 
May fly new or experimental planes to examine their flight performance and safety 

* 可参与搜索和救援行动,森林灭火,航测,作物喷粉和其他服务。 
May participate in search and rescue operations, forest firefighting, aerial surveying, crop dusting and other services. 

### 飞行工程师执行部分或全部下列职责:Flight engineers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 依据飞行前的清单在起飞前检查飞机,并核实乘客和货物配送,以确保重量和平衡规格相符 
Inspect aircraft prior to takeoff according to pre-flight checklist and verify passenger and cargo distribution to ensure that weight and balance specifications are met 

* 在飞行过程中辅助空中飞行员监控飞机系统,设备和功能 
Assist air pilots in monitoring aircraft systems, equipment and functions during flight 

* 进行飞行维修,如更换保险丝和调节仪表,并按照应急程序,弥补设备失灵或故障 
Make in-flight repairs, such as replacing fuses and adjusting instruments, and follow emergency procedures to compensate for equipment malfunction or failure 

* 执行飞行后检查工作,记录飞行中的设备故障和采取的纠正措施,向地面维修人员报告所需维修之处。 
Perform post-flight inspections, record equipment malfunctions and corrective actions taken during flight and report required repairs to ground maintenance personnel. 

### 飞行教官执行部分或全部下列职责:Flying instructors perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 指导飞行学员学习飞行飞机的程序和技术,以及地面学校的科目,如导航,无线电程序和飞行法规 
Instruct student pilots in procedures and techniques of flying aircraft and in ground-school subjects such as navigation, radio procedures and flying regulations 

* 对许可飞行员进行额外的认证培训。 
Train licensed pilots for additional certification. 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

### 飞行员和飞行工程师 Pilots and flight engineers 

* 必须完成中学学习并且从认证的飞行或航校毕业。 
Completion of secondary school and graduation from a certified flying or aviation school are required. 

* 可能需要大学学位或大专文凭。 
A university degree or college diploma may be required. 

* 必需具有商业飞行员执照或航空运输飞行员执照。 
A commercial pilot's licence or an air transport pilot's licence is required. 

* 需要附加许可证或签注不同类型的飞机飞行。 
Additional licences or endorsements to fly different types of aircraft are required. 

* 飞行工程师需要由加拿大运输部颁发的飞行工程师执照。 
Flight engineers require a flight engineer license issued by Transport Canada. 

* 雇主提供结构化训练。 
Structured training is provided by employers. 

### 飞行教官 Flight instructors 

* 必须完成中学学习及从认证的飞行或航校毕业。 
Completion of secondary school and graduation from a certified flying or aviation school are required. 

* 可能需要大学学位或大专文凭。 
A university degree or college diploma may be required. 

* 必需持有商业飞行员或航空运输飞行员执照。 
A commercial pilot's or an air transport pilot's licence is required. 

* 必需持有加拿大运输部指定的对不同类型的飞机提供指示的评级和认可。 
Transport Canada ratings and endorsements to provide instructions on different types of aircraft are required. 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 完成所需小时的飞行经验同时完成的许可和认可要求后,飞行工程师可能晋升到副驾驶和飞行员职位。 
Flight engineers may progress to co-pilot and pilot positions with required hours of flying experience and completion of licensing and endorsement requirements. 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 空中交通管制和相关的职业 Air traffic controllers and related occupations [2272](2272) 
* 地面学校教官(学院和其他职业教师) Ground school instructors (in [4021](4021) College and other vocational instructors ) 

## 72600 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空中作物喷洒农药师 aerial crop duster 
* 空中喷雾师 aerial sprayer 
* 航测飞行主管 aerial survey flight supervisor 
* 航测飞行员 aerial survey pilot 
* 空中导航缘 air navigator 
* 空中巡逻飞行员 air patrol pilot 
* 空中飞行员 air pilot 
* 空中的飞行员和领航员主管 air pilots and navigators supervisor 
* 航空公司飞行员 airline pilot 
* 航空公司飞行员教官 airline pilot instructor 
* 航空公司试飞员 airline test pilot 
* 飞机驾驶员 airplane pilot 
* 布什飞行员 bush pilot 
* 商业飞机飞行员 business aircraft pilot 
* 队长 - 航空运输 captain – air transport 
* 包机飞行员 charter pilot 
* 检查飞行员 check pilot 
* 首席飞行教官 chief flying instructor 
* 首席飞行员 chief pilot 
* 首席飞行员 - 航空运输 chief pilot – air transport 
* 首席飞行员,直升机 chief pilot, helicopter 
* 商业航空公司的飞行员 commercial airline pilot 
* 商用飞行员 commercial pilot 
* 副驾驶 co-pilot 
* 副驾驶 - 航空运输 co-pilot – air transport 
* 企业飞行员 corporate pilot 
* 作物喷粉 crop duster 
* 工程测试飞行员 engineering test pilot 
* 执行飞行员 executive pilot 
* 实验测试飞行员 experimental test pilot 
* 消防巡逻飞行员 fire patrol pilot 
* 副驾驶 - 航空运输 first officer – air transport 
* 飞行工程师 flight engineer 
* 飞行工程师 - 航空运输 flight engineer – air transport 
* 飞行教员 flight instructor 
* 飞行模拟器指导员 flight simulator instructor 
* 飞行教官 flying instructor 
* 森林喷雾飞行员的 forest spray pilot 
* 林业巡逻飞行员 forestry patrol pilot 
* 直升机飞行教员 helicopter flight instructor 
* 直升机飞行员 helicopter pilot 
* 映射飞行员 mapping pilot 
* 航海家 - 航空运输 navigator – air transport 
* 飞行员 - 航空运输 pilot – air transport 
* 飞行员教练 pilot instructor 
* 飞行员,航空公司 pilot, airline 
* 飞行员,遥感 pilot, remote sensing 
* 管道空中巡逻飞行员 pipeline air patrol pilot 
* 电源线空中巡逻飞行员 power line air patrol pilot 
* 救助飞行员 relief pilot 
* 遥感飞行员 remote sensing pilot 
* 副驾驶 - 航空运输 second officer – air transport 
* 喷雾飞行员 spray pilot 
* 主管,空中的飞行员和飞行工程师 supervisor, air pilots and flight engineers 
* 调查飞行员 survey pilot 
* 试飞员 test pilot 
* 地形调查飞行员 topographic survey pilot 
* 水轰炸机飞行员 water bomber pilot  
