加拿大移民 > 1523 生产物流联络员
1523 生产物流联络员

1523 生产物流联络员 Production logistics co-ordinators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Production logistics co-ordinators co-ordinate and expedite the flow of work and materials within an establishment, prepare work and production schedules and monitor the progress of production and construction projects. Production clerks are employed by manufacturing and construction companies, printing and publishing companies and other industrial establishments. 

## 1523 生产物流联络员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 督办 expediter 
* 材料估算员 material estimator 
* 生产文员 production clerk 
* 制作统筹员 production co-ordinator 
* 生产调度 production scheduler 
* 调度员 scheduling clerk 
* 供应链统筹员 - 生产 supply chain co-ordinator – production 
* 交通管制员 traffic control clerk 

## 1523 生产物流联络员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

生产物流联络员执行部分或全部下列职责:Production logistics co-ordinators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 按客户的订单编制详细的工作表和规格 
Compile detailed worksheets and specifications from customer's order 

* 估算面向生产,建设及其他项目所需的原材料和劳动力的种类和数量 
Estimate type and quantity of materials and labour required for production, construction and other projects 

* 以成本和时间效益的方式,与生产主管咨询调度生产运行 
Consult with production supervisor to schedule production runs in a cost and time-efficient manner 

* 定期与其他生产文员,仓库,生产和施工主管和采购和库存办事员会面,协调仓库和生产车间或建筑工地之间的活动 
Meet regularly with other production clerks, warehouse, production and construction supervisors and purchasing and inventory clerks to co-ordinate activities between warehouses and production floors or construction sites 

* 统筹和监控部门内的零件,用品和材料的物流情况,并确保物资,材料和产品如期运输和接收 
Co-ordinate and monitor logistics of the movement of parts, supplies and materials within an establishment and ensure that supplies, materials and products are shipped and received on schedule 

* 使用手动或电脑系统准备和维护各种工作进展情况,使用的材料,生产率和其他生产信息的报告。 
Prepare and maintain various reports on the progress of work, materials used, rates of production and other production information, using manual or computerized systems. 

## 1523 生产物流联络员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学和大学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required and college may be required. 

* 需要具备先前文书经验或生产工人经验 
Previous clerical experience or experience as a production worker may be required. 

## 1523 生产物流联络员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

## 1523 生产物流联络员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 采购和库存控制人员 Purchasing and inventory control workers [1524](1524) 
* 托运人和接收人 Shippers and receivers [1521](1521) 
* 仓库保管员和零部件管理员 Storekeepers and partspersons [1522](1522) 
* 主管,供应链,跟踪和调度协调职业 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations [1215](1215) 

## 1523 生产物流联络员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 建设进度报告员 construction progress report clerk 
* 施工进度统筹 construction schedule co-ordinator 
* 控制文员,生产 control clerk, production 
* 控制人员,钢厂 control officer, steel mill 
* 交货检查 delivery checker 
* 督办 expediter 
* 督办,采购 expediter, purchasing 
* 工业订单竣工验收店员 industrial order completion checking clerk 
* 物流呼入/呼出统筹 - 生产 logistics inbound/outbound co-ordinator – production 
* 木材理货员/男/女 lumber tallyman/woman 
* 制造订单店员 manufacturing order clerk 
* 材料检查员 material checker 
* 材料统筹 material co-ordinator 
* 材料估计员 material estimator 
* 机动车维修店统筹 motor vehicle repair shop co-ordinator 
* 为了办事员,制造 order clerk, manufacturing 
* 生产代理 production agent 
* 生产文员 production clerk 
* 生产控制员 production control clerk 
* 生产控制器 production controller 
* 制作统筹 production co-ordinator 
* 生产督办 production expediter 
* 生产材料估计员 production material estimator 
* 生产人员 production officer 
* 生产调度 production scheduler 
* 进度报告员,建设 progress report clerk, construction 
* 购买督办 purchasing expediter 
* 记录员 - 广播 recording clerk – broadcasting 
* 安排店员 schedule clerk 
* 调度店员 scheduling clerk 
* 服务业工人 service sector worker 
* 航运控制店员 shipping control clerk 
* 钢厂控制人员 steel mill control officer 
* 供应链的统筹 - 生产 supply chain co-ordinator – production 
* 供应店员 - 航空 supply clerk – aeronautics 
* 店员 - 生产供应 supply clerk – production 
* 电源需求估计 supply needs estimator 
* 理货员 tally clerk 
* 理货员/男/女 tallyman/woman 
* 理货员/男/女 - 生产 tallyman/woman – production 
* 交通店员 traffic clerk 
* 交通办事员 - 广播 traffic clerk – broadcasting 
* 交通管制员 traffic control clerk 
* 车辆维修员 vehicle servicing clerk  
