加拿大移民 > 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员
14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员

14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员 Storekeepers and partspersons - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 

Storekeepers and partspersons sort, store and issue parts and supplies for use by the establishment in which they work and for sale to the public. They are employed by manufacturing companies, warehouses, retail and wholesale establishments, mining, forestry and construction companies, repair shops, hospitals and other establishments. 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 弹药仓库保管员 ammunition storekeeper 
* 汽车零部件管理员 - 零售 automotive partsperson – retail 
* 材料保管员 material keeper 
* 医疗用品业务员 medical supply clerk 
* 汽车零件店员 motor vehicle parts clerk 
* 部分业务员 parts clerk 
* 零部件供应商 parts supplier 
* 零部件管理员 partsperson 
* 船舶仓库管理员/男/女 ship storeman/woman 
* 店主 storekeeper 
* 工具房服务员 tool room attendant 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

仓库保管员和零部件管理员执行部分或全部下列职责:Storekeepers and partspersons perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 接收和分类传入的配件及耗材 
Receive and sort incoming parts and supplies 

* 在仓库,工具室,供应室或其他地区有序地储存物品 
Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in a warehouse, tool room, supply room or other area 

* 处理传入的申请和发布或分配内部使用的配件及耗材 
Process incoming requisitions and issue or distribute parts and supplies for internal usage 

* 使用手动或电脑库存系统,保留手头上的零件和耗材的订单记录和数量,种类和存放位置 
Maintain records of orders and the amount, kind and location of parts and supplies on hand using manual or computerized inventory system 

* 准备需求订单,以补充配件及耗材 
Prepare requisition orders to replenish parts and supplies 

* 以零售方式销售机动车辆,机械和设备的备件和更换零件 
Sell spare and replacement parts for motor vehicles, machinery and equipment in a retail setting 

* 向零售客户或内部用户推荐合适的零件,用品或材料。 
Advise retail customers or internal users on appropriateness of parts, supplies or materials requested. 

* 零部件管理员专注于零部件的某特殊线路,如汽车零部件,休闲汽车零部件,船舶配件,重型机械配件,农机配件,供暖,通风及空调配件,制冷配件。 
Partspersons may specialize in a particular line of parts such as automotive parts, recreational vehicle parts, marine parts, heavy equipment parts, agricultural machinery parts, heating, ventilating and air conditioning parts or refrigeration parts. 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成为期三年的学徒计划 
Completion of a three-year apprenticeship program 

* 或完成高中专业培训和为期一年的大学零部件管理员课程。 
Completion of specialized training in high school and a one-year college program for partspersons may be required. 

* 零部件管理员行业认证全省可用,但是是自愿考取。 
Trade certification for partspersons is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories. 

* 零部件管理员可能需要相关文书职业经验或者仓库工人经验。 
Experience in a related clerical occupation, or as a warehouse worker, may be required for partspersons. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省红色钢印考试的零部件管理员也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified partspersons upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 经过额外的培训或经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with additional training or experience. 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 零件办事员主管(主管,供应链,跟踪和调度协调职业) Parts clerks supervisors (in [1215](1215) Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations ) 
* 采购和库存控制人员 Purchasing and inventory control workers [1524](1524) 
* 托运人和接收人 Shippers and receivers [1521](1521) 

## 14401 仓库保管员和零部件管理员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 弹药仓库保管员 ammunition storekeeper 
* 汽车零部件秘书 - 零售 auto parts clerk – retail 
* 汽车零部件零售业务员 - automotive parts clerk – retail 
* 汽车零部件管理员 - 零售 automotive partsperson – retail 
* 汽车零部件学徒 automotive partsperson apprentice 
* 航空零部件管理员 aviation partsperson 
* 柜台的店员,零部件 counter clerk, parts 
* 专柜店员,汽车配件 - 零售 counter sales clerk, automobile parts – retail 
* 钻机店主 drilling rig storekeeper 
* 爆炸物和弹药杂志保管员 explosives and ammunition magazine keeper 
* 工业发动机和设备学徒 industrial engines and equipment apprentice 
* 工业的发动机和设备零部件管理员 - 零售 industrial engines and equipment partsperson – retail 
* 工业仓库工人 industrial warehouse person 
* 亚麻客房服务员 linen room attendant 
* 亚麻供应店员 linen supply clerk 
* 亚麻保管员 linenkeeper 
* 机加工车间保管员 machine shop keeper 
* 杂志保管员 magazine keeper 
* 材料保管员 material keeper 
* 医疗用品的服务员 medical supply attendant 
* 医疗用品业务员 medical supply clerk 
* 汽车零件店员 motor vehicle parts clerk 
* 汽车零件店员学徒 motor vehicle parts clerk apprentice 
* 机动车零部件管理员 motor vehicle partsperson 
* 部分业务员 parts clerk 
* 部分柜台的店员 parts counter clerk 
* 部分柜台的店员 - 零售 parts counter clerk – retail 
* 部分制表人 parts lister 
* 零件分拣工 parts sorter 
* 零部件供应商 parts supplier 
* 部分技师 parts technician 
* 零部件管理员 partsperson 
* 粉保管员 powder keeper 
* 销售业务员,汽车零件柜 - 零售 sales clerk, automobile parts counter – retail 
* 打捞店员 salvage clerk 
* 样品店员 - 存储和仓储 sample clerk – storage and warehousing 
* 采样控制店员 sample control clerk 
* 船舶保管员 ship keeper 
* 船舶店主 ship storekeeper 
* 船舶仓库管理员/男/女 ship storeman/woman 
* 库房店员 - 零件和设备 stock clerk – parts and equipment 
* 库存控制员 stock control clerk 
* 理货员 stock keeper 
* 股票记录员 stock records clerk 
* 店主 storekeeper 
* 仓库保管员,钻机 storekeeper, drilling rig 
* 仓库保管员,船舶 storekeeper, ship 
* 仓库管理员/男/女 storeman/woman 
* 供应中心业务员 supply centre clerk 
* 工具店员 tool clerk 
* 工具房服务员 tool room attendant 
* 工具间仓库管理员/男/女 tool room storeman/woman 
* 刀具店的店员 tool store clerk 
* 地下工具摇篮服务员 underground tool crib attendant 
* 仓库检查员 warehouse checker 
* 仓库文员 - 零件和设备 warehouse clerk – parts and equipment 
* 仓库保管 - 零配件和设备 warehouse person – parts and equipment 
* 酒窖服务员 wine cellar attendant  
