新西兰移民 > 移民资讯 > 移民新西兰超详细招聘网站汇总,赶紧收藏!



在新西兰主要有两个最大的综合性在线招聘网站,一个是Seek.co.nz,另外一个是赫赫有名的Trademe Jobs。这两个网站信息丰富,包涵各行各业,同时参差不齐,经常会有“别有用心”的“猎头公司”混淆视听,求职者需要擦亮眼睛。



 Trade Me Jobs

用户最多,招聘职位广泛。Trade Me Jobs is New Zealand’s most visited jobsite, and provides a wide range of vacancies.


求职人展示自己的平台。A job vacancy site where job seekers can set up a profile and online CV.


澳洲、新西兰地区招聘网站,同时提供职业规划与培训信息。An extensive list of job vacancies from employers across NZ and Australia. It also provides an email notification service and career development resources and training information.

 Work and Income job search database

新西兰招聘信息,同时提供就业指导。A large selection of current New Zealand job vacancies and general advice.


招聘者与应聘者共同发布信息的平台。Aimed at connecting job seekers with recruiters. Job seekers can create profiles for viewing, and recruiters can list job vacancies.



澳新应届毕业生就业网 A website that helps graduates to find jobs in Australia and New Zealand.

 Student Job Search

大学生兼职网 Listings of temporary job vacancies for tertiary students.



一个提供向雇主展示自己特长与能力的平台的网站。A website that allows you to promote yourself to employers by creating an online profile describing yourself and your skills.


A site that matches job seekers' skills with current vacancies in a wide range of fields.


雇主发布招聘信息,求职者出期待薪酬竞得。An online open job market where people list jobs they need doing, and registered users submit a price for doing the work.



Search for seasonal job vacancies across the country, in many industries.


主要提供酒店业、农业、园艺短期工作。A job vacancy site listing a range of short-term work across NZ, mainly in hotel, agriculture and horticulture.


Find information on employers and recruitment agencies relevant to the occupation and industry you want to work in.


新西兰雇主招聘海外求职者网站。A site that links NZ employers with skilled migrants who are eligible to work, and currently live or intend to live, in New Zealand.


新西兰雇主招聘海外求职者网站。Workhere New Zealand connects skilled migrants and expat Kiwisfrom around the world to New Zealand-based companies with jobs in demand.

