加拿大移民 > 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业
22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业

22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业 Technical occupations in geomatics and meteorology - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Technical occupations in geomatics include aerial survey, remote sensing, geographic information systems, cartographic and photogrammetric technologists and technicians, who gather, analyze, interpret and use geospatial information for applications in natural resources, geology, environmental research and land use planning. Meteorological technologists and technicians observe weather and atmospheric conditions, record, interpret, transmit and report on meteorological data, and provide weather information to the agricultural, natural resources and transportation industries and the public. Geomatics technologists and technicians are employed by all levels of government, utilities, mapping, computer software, forestry, architectural, engineering and consulting firms and other related establishments. Meteorological technologists and technicians are employed by all levels of government, the media, natural resources, utilities and transportation companies and consulting firms. 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 航测技术人员 aerial survey technician 
* 高空技师 aerological technician 
* 雪崩管理员 avalanche controller 
* 制图人员 cartographer 
* 气候数据处理人员 climate data processor 
* 气候服务技术员 climate service technician 
* 地理信息系统(GIS)技术人员 geographic information systems (GIS) technician 
* 冰观察员 ice observer 
* 地图编辑 map editor 
* 测绘技术人员 mapping technician 
* 气象巡视员 meteorological inspector 
* 气象技术员 meteorological technician 
* 负责人员,气象站 officer-in-charge, weather station 
* 操作技师,气象站 operations technician, weather station 
* 摄影技师 photogrammetric technologist 
* 摄影测绘制图员 photogrammetrist 
* 遥感(RS)技术人员 remote sensing (RS) technician 
* 软拷贝摄影测绘制图员 softcopy photogrammetrist 
* 地面气象观测 surface weather observer 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 航测遥感技术专家和技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Aerial survey and remote sensing technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作模拟或数字航空遥感设备,如调查胶片或数码相机,激光或雷达传感器和扫描仪,准备来自空中或卫星数据的图像,数据和图形报告,地图和图表 
Operate analog or digital airborne remote sensing equipment such as survey film or digital cameras, laser or radar sensors and scanners to prepare images, data and graphic reports, maps and charts from airborne or satellite data 

* 制定专门的模拟和计算机软件的具体程序,来定制和集成图像分析 
Develop specialized analog and computer software specific routines to customize and integrate image analysis 

* 检查已记录图像得质量,验证遥感图像分析系统包含的数据的完整性和准确性,并根据需要调整设备。 
Inspect quality of recorded images, verify the integrity and accuracy of data contained in remote sensing image analysis systems, and adjust equipment as required. 

### 地理信息系统(GIS)的技术专家和技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Geographic information systems (GIS) technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作专业的计算机硬件,软件和外围设备,用以模拟,管理,分析和显示地理空间数据 
Operate specialized computer hardware and software and peripheral equipment to model, manage, analyze and display geospatial data 

* 制定专门的计算机软件程序,基于互联网的地理信息系统,数据库和定制地理信息的业务应用 
Develop specialized computer software routines, Internet based GIS, database and business applications to customize geographic information 

* 与外部组织共同解决数据传输和系统的兼容性问题 
Work with external organizations on data transfer and systems compatibility issues 

* 按照预先确定的校准程序,对系统进行数据录入,编辑活动和维护操作 
Perform data entry and editing activities and maintenance operations to systems following pre-determined calibration procedures 

* 整合外部软件与GIS软件,如电子表格和统计软件包 
Integrate external software such as spreadsheets and statistical packages with GIS software 

* 为GIS用户提供培训和技术支持。 
Train and provide technical support for GIS users. 

### 制图技师和技术员执行部分或全部下列职责:Cartographic technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 规划地图的内容,格式和设计,并编译来自空中拍摄的照片,调查笔记,记录,报告和其他地图所需的数据 
Plan map content, format and design and compile required data from aerial photographs, survey notes, records, reports and other maps 

* 使用数字化测绘技术,计算机交互式图形,电脑辅助设计及绘图(CAD)软件,传统绘图方法和计算机或传统的划线工具,生成地图和相关的图形和图表 
Generate maps and related graphs and charts using digital mapping techniques, computer interactive graphics, computer assisted design and drafting (CAD) software, traditional drafting methods and computer or traditional scribing tools 

* 检查最终的组合物,以确保完整性和准确性。 
Inspect final compositions to ensure completeness and accuracy. 

### 摄影技师和技术员执行部分或全部下列职责:Photogrammetric technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查和解释航拍照片,准备地形图,航拍照片马赛克和相关图表 
Examine and interpret aerial photographs to prepare topographic maps, aerial-photograph mosaics and related charts 

* 操作数字化立体绘图和计算机图形设备,提供地形的三维光学模型,跟踪地图,并准备图表和表格 
Operate digitized stereoscopic plotting and computer graphics equipment to provide three-dimensional optical models of terrain, to trace maps, and to prepare charts and tables 

* 监控记录质量,按要求调整设备,并检查录制的图像质量。 
Monitor recording quality and adjust equipment as required and inspect quality of recorded images. 

### 气象技师和技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Meteorological technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 大气和天气信息,包括气压,温度,湿度,降水和云,风和紫外线条件下的观察,记录和传输 
Observe, record and transmit atmospheric and weather information including air pressure, temperature, humidity, precipitation and cloud, wind and ultraviolet conditions 

* 观察,制图表和报告在通航水域的冰情雪情,并参与预测和控制山区地形雪崩的项目活动 
Observe, chart and report on ice conditions in navigable waters and snow conditions, and participate in programs to forecast and control avalanches in mountainous terrain 

* 维护气候数据库,分析和解释气象资料,参与制作天气地图,图表和报告 
Maintain climatological databases, analyze and interpret weather data and participate in the production of weather maps, charts and reports 

* 安装,检查,监测,校准和维护气象设备及仪器。 
Install, inspect, monitor, calibrate and maintain meteorological equipment and instruments. 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 测绘技术人员需要完成两到三年制图,摄影测量,航测,遥感,地理信息系统,地理信息学大专课程。 
Geomatics technologists require completion of a two- to three-year college program in cartography, photogrammetry, aerial survey, remote sensing, geographic information system or geomatics. 

* 测绘技术人员需要完成一到两年的制图,摄影测量,航测,遥感,地理信息系统,地理信息学大学课程。 
Geomatics technicians require completion of a one- to two-year college program in cartography, photogrammetry, aerial survey, remote sensing, geographic information system or geomatics. 

* 在魁北克省,会员监管机构的专业技术人员需要使用“专业技师”称号。 
In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body for professional technologists is required to use the title ''Professional Technologist''. 

* 气象技术人员需要完成为期一年的由加拿大气象局提供的气象技术员项目。 
Meteorological technicians require completion of a one-year meteorological technician program provided by the Meteorological Service of Canada. 

* 气象技术人员可参加进一步的专业培训,一些雇主可能也要求雇员参加培训。 
Further specialized training is available for meteorological technicians, and may be required by some employers. 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 测绘是一个跨学科领域,涵盖地理参考的数据收集,分析和演示。 
Geomatics is an interdisciplinary field encompassing the collection, analysis and presentation of geographically referenced data. 

* 本单元组的职业之间可能具有流动性。 
Mobility is possible between some occupations in this unit group. 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 航空物探设备操作员(地质和矿产技师和技术员) Airborne geophysical equipment operators (in [2212](2212) Geological and mineral technologists and technicians ) 
* 绘图技师和技术员 Drafting technologists and technicians [2253](2253) 
* 应用岩土工程和地形信息,土地利用和城市规划(土木工程技师和技术员的工程技术人员和技术人员) Engineering technologists and technicians who apply geotechnical and topographical information to land use and urban planning (in [2231](2231) Civil engineering technologists and technicians ) 
* 测绘工程师,测量工程师(土木工程师) Geomatics engineers and surveying engineers (in [2131](2131) Civil engineers ) 
* 土地测量师 Land surveyors [2154](2154) 
* 土地调查技术人员和技术人员 Land survey technologists and technicians [2254](2254) 
* 气象学家和气候学家 Meteorologists and climatologists [2114](2114) 

## 22214 大地测量学和气象学技术职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 航拍照片分析师 aerial photograph analyst 
* 航拍照片解说员 aerial photograph interpreter 
* 航拍照片技师 aerial photograph technician 
* 航测技术人员 aerial survey technician 
* 航测技师 aerial survey technologist 
* 高空观测员 aerological observer 
* 高空技师 aerological technician 
* 机载数据采集专家 airborne data acquisition specialist 
* 雪崩管理者 avalanche controller 
* 雪崩观察员 avalanche observer 
* 制图人员 cartographer 
* 制图编译 cartographic compiler 
* 制图起草人/男/女 cartographic draftsman/woman 
* 制图技师 cartographic technician 
* 制图技师 cartographic technologist 
* 气候数据处理人员 climate data processor 
* 气候服务技术员 climate service technician 
* 气候技师 climatological technician 
* 管理者,雪崩 controller, avalanche 
* 制图员,制图 draftsman, cartographic 
* 起草人/男/女,地图 draftsman/woman, map 
* 地图编辑 editor, maps 
* 地理信息系统(GIS)技术人员 geographic information systems (GIS) technician 
* 地理信息系统(GIS)技术专家 geographic information systems (GIS) technologist 
* 地质信息系统技术员 geological information system technician 
* 地质信息系统技术专家 geological information system technologist 
* 地质测绘技术人员 geological mapping technician 
* 测绘技术人员 - 空中调查 geomatics technician – aerial surveys 
* 地球空间信息技术人员 - 制图 geomatics technician – cartography 
* 测绘技术人员 - 地理信息系统(GIS) geomatics technician – geographical information systems (GIS) 
* 测绘技术人员 - 摄影 geomatics technician – photogrammetry 
* 测绘技术人员 - 遥感 geomatics technician – remote sensing 
* 地球空间信息技术专家 - 空中调查 geomatics technologist – aerial surveys 
* 地球空间信息技术专家 - 制图 geomatics technologist – cartography 
* 地球空间信息技术专家 - 地理信息系统 geomatics technologist – geographical information systems 
* 地球空间信息技术专家 - 摄影 geomatics technologist – photogrammetry 
* 地球空间信息技术专家 - 遥感 geomatics technologist – remote sensing 
* GIS(地理信息系统)技术人员 GIS (geographic information system) technician 
* GIS(地理信息系统)技术专家 GIS (geographic information systems) technologist 
* 冰情服务专家 - 气象 ice conditions service specialist – meteorology 
* 冰观察员 ice observer 
* 土地信息系统(LIS)技术员 land information system (LIS) technician 
* 土地信息系统(LIS)的技术专家 land information system (LIS) technologist 
* 土地信息系统(LIS)技术员 LIS (land information system) technician 
* 土地信息系统(LIS)技师 LIS (land information system) technologist 
* 地图制图员/男/女 map draftsman/woman 
* 地图编辑者 map editor 
* 测绘技术人员 mapping technician 
* 气象助手 meteorological aide 
* 气象巡视员 meteorological inspector 
* 气象技术员 meteorological technician 
* 观察员,地面天气 observer, surface weather 
* 负责人员,气象站 officer-in-charge, weather station 
* 操作技师,气象站 operations technician, weather station 
* 照片制图员 photo cartographer 
* 摄影技师 photogrammetric technician 
* 摄影技师 photogrammetric technologist 
* photogrammetrist photogrammetrist 
* 遥感(RS)应用专家 remote sensing (RS) application specialist 
* 遥感(RS)技术人员 remote sensing (RS) technician 
* 遥感(RS)技术专家 remote sensing (RS) technologist 
* RS(遥感)应用专家 RS (remote sensing) application specialist 
* RS(遥感)技术人员 RS (remote sensing) technician 
* RS(遥感)技术专家 RS (remote sensing) technologist 
* 雪控制器 snow controller 
* 软拷贝photogrammetrist的 softcopy photogrammetrist 
* 专家,遥感(RS)的应用 specialist, remote sensing (RS) application 
* 专家,RS(遥感)应用程序 specialist, RS (remote sensing) application 
* 地面气象观测 surface weather observer 
* 技术员,地理信息系统(GIS) technician, geographic information systems (GIS) 
* 技术员,地质信息系统 technician, geological information system 
* 技术员,地质填图 technician, geological mapping 
* 技术员,地球空间信息 - 空中调查 technician, geomatics – aerial surveys 
* 技术员,地球空间信息 - 制图 technician, geomatics – cartography 
* 技师,大地测量学 - 地理信息系统(GIS) technician, geomatics – geographical information systems (GIS) 
* 技师,大地测量学 - 摄影 technician, geomatics – photogrammetry 
* 技师,大地测量学 - 遥感 technician, geomatics – remote sensing 
* 技术员,GIS(地理信息系统) technician, GIS (geographic information system) 
* 技术员,土地信息系统(LIS) technician, land information system (LIS) 
* 技术员,土地信息系统(LIS) technician, LIS (land information system) 
* 摄影技师, technician, photogrammetric 
* 技师,遥感(RS) technician, remote sensing (RS) 
* 技术员,RS(遥感) technician, RS (remote sensing) 
* 技师,地理信息系统(GIS) technologist, geographic information systems (GIS) 
* 技师,地理信息系统 technologist, geological information system 
* 技师,地球空间信息 - 空中调查 technologist, geomatics – aerial surveys 
* 技师,地球空间信息 - 制图 technologist, geomatics – cartography 
* 技师,地球空间信息 - 地理信息系统 technologist, geomatics – geographical information systems 
* 技师,地球空间信息 - 摄影 technologist, geomatics – photogrammetry 
* 技师,大地测量学 - 遥感 technologist, geomatics – remote sensing 
* 技师,地理信息系统(GIS) technologist, GIS (geographic information systems) 
* 技师,土地信息系统(LIS) technologist, land information system (LIS) 
* 技师,土地信息系统(LIS) technologist, LIS (land information system) 
* 技师,摄影 technologist, photogrammetric 
* 技师,遥感(RS) technologist, remote sensing (RS) 
* 技师,RS(遥感) technologist, RS (remote sensing) 
* 天气简短 weather briefer 
* 天气海图 weather chart plotter 
* 天气预报简报技师 weather forecast presentation technician 
* 气象站操作技师 weather station operations technician  
