加拿大移民 > 22113 保护和渔政人员
22113 保护和渔政人员

22113 保护和渔政人员 Conservation and fishery officers- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes conservation and fishery officers, inspectors and observers who enforce federal and provincial regulations established for the protection of fish, wildlife and other natural resources and collect and relay information on resource management. They are employed by federal and provincial government departments. 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员头衔范例 Example Titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 保育人员 conservation officer 
* 鱼类和野生动物官员 fish and wildlife officer 
* 渔政人员 fishery officer 
* 护林员 - 野生动物管理 forest ranger – wildlife management 
* 游戏官 game officer 
* 游戏区长 game warden 
* 自然资源人员 natural resources officer 
* 巡山员 park ranger 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员主要职责 Main duties- Immiknow NOC 

保护和渔政人员,检查员和观察员执行部分或全部下列职责:Conservation and fishery officers, inspectors and observers perform some or all of the following duties: 

Generate public awareness of fish and wildlife conservation and regulations 

Conduct patrols by truck, aircraft, boat, or on foot, to ensure compliance with the provincial and federal statutes relating to fish, wildlife and the environment 

Investigate complaints, arrest violators, prepare briefs and present evidence in court 

Issue licences, export documents and special permits and collect royalties assessed on fish, wildlife and timber resources 

Implement and supervise approved techniques in preventing or overcoming damage caused by wildlife 

Perform resource protection duties, such as inspecting fishing gear and equipment and monitoring fishing activities for compliance with regulations 

Gather resource data by making inventories of fish, collecting water samples and assisting biologists in scientific research 

Supervise or provide firearms safety training courses and trapper education courses. 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员任职要求 Employment requirements- Immiknow NOC 

Completion of a college program in renewable resources management, environmental conservation or a related discipline is usually required. 

On-the-job training and courses related to law enforcement and resource management are provided. 

A class-5 driver's licence, pesticide applicator's licence and explosives licence may be required. 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员附加信息 Additional information- Immiknow NOC 

Progression to senior and supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere- Immiknow NOC 

* 生物技术专家和技术人员 Biological technologists and technicians [2221](2221) 
* 鱼督察(农业和鱼类产品的检查员) Fish inspectors (in [2222](2222) Agricultural and fish products inspectors ) 
* 林业技师和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians [2223](2223) 

## 22113 保护和渔政人员职称头衔 All titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 保育人员 conservation officer 
* 区督察 - 渔业 district inspector – fisheries 
* 监区主管 - 渔业 district supervisor – fisheries 
* 码头显示器 - 渔业 dockside monitor – fisheries 
* 码头观察员 - 渔业 dockside observer – fisheries 
* 鱼和野味监狱长 fish and game warden 
* 鱼类和野生动物官员 fish and wildlife officer 
* 渔业督察 fisheries inspector 
* 渔业观察员 fisheries observer 
* 渔业官员 fisheries officer 
* 渔政人员 fishery officer 
* 捕鱼区主管 fishing area supervisor 
* 护林员 - 野生动物管理 forest ranger – wildlife management 
* 游戏官 game officer 
* 游戏区长 game warden 
* 巡视员,渔业 inspector, fisheries 
* 自然资源人员 natural resources officer 
* 观察员,渔业 observer, fisheries 
* 人员,养护 officer, conservation 
* 人员,渔业 officer, fisheries 
* 人员,游戏 officer, game 
* 巡山工 park ranger 
* 主管,渔业督察 supervisor, fisheries inspectors 
* 主管,渔业官员 supervisor, fisheries officers  
