加拿大移民 > 1435 收藏家
1435 收藏家

1435 收藏家 Collectors - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Collectors collect payments on overdue accounts and bad cheques and locate debtors to make collection arrangements. They are employed by collection agencies, utility companies, department stores, loan companies, banks and credit unions, and by financial and licensing departments within governments. 

## 1435 收藏家头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 法案收藏家 bill collector 
* 收集店员 collection clerk 
* 收集人员(税收除外) collection officer (except taxation) 
* 收藏调查人员 collections investigation officer 
* 收藏家 collector 
* 信贷和收集店员 credit and collection clerk 
* 定位人员 - 集合 locator – collection 
* 遗漏跟踪员 - 集合 skip tracer – collection 

## 1435 收藏家主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

收藏家执行部分或全部下列职责:Collectors perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 通过电话,邮件和挂号邮件通知债务人逾期付款和账目,如果没有收到答复,继续进行通知 
Notify debtors of overdue payments and accounts by telephone, mail, and registered mail, and continue the notification process if reply is not received 

* 通过电话或访问债务人解决收款问题的付款安排 
Resolve collection issues by making payment arrangements by telephone or visit to debtor 

* 付款没有着落的情况下,建议进一步的行动或停止服务 
Recommend further action or discontinuation of service in cases where payment is not forthcoming 

* 跟踪和定位债务人,并与债务人的朋友,邻居,亲戚和雇主取得联系获取信息 
Trace and locate debtors, and may contact debtors' friends, neighbours, relatives and employers to obtain information 

* 回复信件,编写报告,并保留记录和与收集工作相关的档案 
Answer correspondence, prepare reports and maintain records and files related to collection work 

* 处理在线帐户和系统。 
May work with on-line accounts and systems. 

##  1435 收藏家任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 可能需要一个企业大专文凭。 
A business college diploma may be required. 

* 收集员和收集官员时常接受在职培训。 
A period of on-the-job training is often provided for collection clerks and collection officers. 

* 通常需要具备省份或地区就业本门颁发的收藏许可证。 
A collections licence issued by the province or territory of employment is usually required. 

## 1435 收藏家附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累可能晋升到高级或主管职位。 
Progression to senior or supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

## 1435 收藏家其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 应收账款文员(会计及相关文员) Accounts receivable clerks (in [1431](1431) Accounting and related clerks ) 
* 收藏主管(主管,金融保险业的上班族) Collections supervisors (in [1212](1212) Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers ) 
* 税收征管人员(就业保险,移民,边境服务和税务人员) Tax collection officers (in [1228](1228) Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers ) 

## 1435 收藏家职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 广告收集人员 advertising collector 
* 法案收藏家 bill collector 
* 索赔收集人员 claims collector 
* 收款代理人(税收除外) collection agent (except taxation) 
* 收集店员 collection clerk 
* 收集人员(税收除外) collection officer (except taxation) 
* 收藏调查人员 collections investigation officer 
* 收集人员 collector 
* 收藏家税 collector of taxes 
* 信贷和收集店员 credit and collection clerk 
* 金融收集人员 financial collector 
* 巡视员和账单收集人员 - 电力公司 inspector and bill collector – electric power company 
* 督察及票据收集人员 - 天然气公司 inspector and bill collector – gas company 
* 分期付款收集人员 instalment collector 
* 保险费收藏家 insurance premium collector 
* 贷款收集人员 loan collector 
* 定位员 - 集合 locator – collection 
* 遗漏跟踪员 - 集合 skip tracer – collection 
* 税吏 tax collector 
