加拿大移民 > 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业
14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业

14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业 Desktop publishing operators and related occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Desktop publishing operators use computers to enter copy into a typesetting system or operate typesetting output equipment to produce text that is ready to print. They are employed by firms that specialize in typesetting, commercial printing companies, publishing and printing companies and various establishments in the public and private sectors that have in-house printing departments. 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 盲文键盘操作员 braille keyboard operator 
* 排字工 - 排版 compositor – typesetting 
* 电脑排字工 computer typesetter 
* 副本标记员 - 排版 copy marker – typesetting 
* 桌面排字工 desktop compositor 
* 桌面出版(DTP)操作员 desktop publishing (DTP) operator 
* 输入操作员 - 排版 input operator – typesetting 
* 标记人 markup person 
* 输出操作员 - 排版 output operator – typesetting 
* 照相排版排字员 photocomposition typesetter 
* 照像排版操作员 phototypesetter operator 
* 印刷工 typographer 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组职业的主要职责:The following is a summary of the main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 桌面出版操作员操作桌面出版软件和设备进行设计,布置和生产供照排机使用的副本,并可以进行预检操作员的职责。 
Desktop publishing operators operate desktop publishing software and equipment to design, lay out and produce camera-ready copy and may perform pre-flight operator duties. 

* 排版前使用计算机代码和排版指令标记人员记号副本。 
Markup persons mark copy with computer codes and typographic instructions before it is typeset. 

* 排版输入操作员输入副本,代码或命令和后续更正到排版设备或系统;操作媒体转换设备,来处理和格式化通过电信传输的副本。 
Typesetting input operators input copy, codes or commands and subsequent corrections into typesetting device or system; operate media conversion equipment to process and format copy transmitted through telecommunications. 

* 排版输出操作员操作和维修排版输出设备,装载和处理感光材料,并进行日常维护。 
Typesetting output operators operate and tend typesetting output devices, load and process photosensitive material and perform routine maintenance. 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 通常需要完成大学图形艺术项目,或者排版,电脑排版或桌面出版等其他培训。 
Completion of a college program in graphic arts, or other training in typography, computer typesetting or desktop publishing, is usually required. 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升为主管职务。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible through experience. 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 复本造型师,机械艺术家和粘贴艺术家(印艺技术人员) Copy stylists, mechanical artists and paste-up artists (in [5223](5223) Graphic arts technicians ) 
* 桌面出版运营主管(主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员) Desktop publishing operator supervisors (in [1211](1211) Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers ) 
* 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241) 
* 预检和文件准备操作员(照相,印前制版和其他职业) Pre-flight and file preparation operators (in [9472](9472) Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations ) 
* 校对(通信,刊物和常规办事员) Proofreaders (in [1452](1452) Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks ) 

## 14112 桌面排版人员及相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 广告排字工 - 排版 ad compositor – typesetting 
* 盲文块制造商 braille block maker 
* 盲文计算机翻译专家 braille computer translations specialist 
* 盲文数据录入员 braille data entry clerk 
* 盲文键盘操作员 braille keyboard operator 
* 盲文键盘操作员 - 排版 braille keyboard operator – typesetting 
* 盲文工艺雕刻家 braille process engraver 
* 盲文立体机器操作员 braille stereograph machine operator 
* 盲文转录技术员 braille transcription technician 
* braillewriter运营商 braillewriter operator 
* 冷组成印刷工 cold-composition typographer 
* 冷排版印刷工 cold-typesetting typographer 
* 构成机器操作员 - 排版 composing machine operator – typesetting 
* 构成机器操作员,莱诺 composing machine operator, Linotype 
* 排字 - 排版 compositor – typesetting 
* 排字印刷工 compositor-typographer 
* 计算机photocompositor的 computer photocompositor 
* 电脑照排机 computer phototypesetter 
* 电脑排字 computer typesetter 
* 计算机辅助制造商 computer-aided page maker-up 
* 副本切割工 copy cutter 
* 副本标记员 - 排版 copy marker – typesetting 
* 副本设计师 - 排版 copy stylist – typesetting 
* 复印打字员 - 排版 copy typist – typesetting 
* 桌面排字 desktop compositor 
* 桌面出版(DTP)操作员 desktop publishing (DTP) operator 
* 桌面出版(DTP)专家 desktop publishing (DTP) specialist 
* DTP(桌面出版)操作员 DTP (desktop publishing) operator 
* DTP(桌面出版)专家 DTP (desktop publishing) specialist 
* 电子格式化 electronic formatter 
* 电子文字书写操作员 electronic letterer operator 
* 电子照相排字机操作员 electronic photocomposer operator 
* 电子照相排版机操作员 electronic phototypesetting machine operator 
* 电子签到器操作员 - 排版 electronic sign maker operator – typesetting 
* 格式化操作员 - 排版 formatter operator – typesetting 
* 征收策划 imposition planner 
* 幻灯放映员 impositor 
* 输入排字员 - 排版 input compositor – typesetting 
* 输入运营商 - 排版 input operator – typesetting 
* InterType的机器操作员 Intertype machine operator 
* InterType的运营商 Intertype operator 
* 工作排字员 - 排版 job compositor – typesetting 
* 键盘操作员 - 排版 keyboard operator – typesetting 
* 行型活字排版机操作员 Linotype composing machine operator 
* 勒德洛机器操作员 Ludlow machine operator 
* 勒德洛排版机器操作员 Ludlow typesetting machine operator 
* 机器排字员 - 排版 machine compositor – typesetting 
* 机器排版工 machine typecaster 
* 手工排字员 manual compositor 
* 标记员 markup person 
* 标记员 - 排版 markup person – typesetting 
* 蒙纳连铸机操作员 Monotype casting machine operator 
* 蒙纳铁水排字键盘操作 Monotype hot metal typesetter keyboard operator 
* 蒙纳键盘操作员 Monotype keyboard operator 
* 报纸页面汇编 newspaper page assembler 
* 运营商,排版格式化 - operator, formatter – typesetting 
* 运营商,行型活字排版机 operator, Linotype composing machine 
* 输出排字 - 排版 output compositor – typesetting 
* 输出操作符 - 排版 output operator – typesetting 
* 页面排字 page compositor 
* 页数标记员 page maker-up 
* 照相排字机操作员 photocomposer operator 
* 照排机键盘操作员 photocomposing machine keyboard operator 
* 照排机操作员 photocomposing machine operator 
* 照排机招标员 photocomposing machine tender 
* 照相排版打孔机操作员 photocomposing-perforating machine operator 
* 照相排字机 photocomposition typesetter 
* photocompositor photocompositor 
* 照相组成印刷工 photomechanical composition typographer 
* 照排机排版工 phototypesetter 
* 照排机操作员 phototypesetter operator 
* 照排机码头运营商 phototypesetter terminal operator 
* 照相排字机操作员 phototypesetting machine operator 
* 试生产操作员 preproduction operator 
* 处理和输出排字员 processing and output compositor 
* 扫描仪操作员 - 桌面出版 scanner operator – desktop publishing 
* 扫描机操作员 - 桌面出版 scanning machine operator – desktop publishing 
* 码头运营商 terminal operator 
* 类型排字员 type compositor 
* 类型转换机操作员 typecasting machine operator 
* 排字工 - 排版 typesetter – typesetting 
* 排字工,排版 typesetter, photocomposition 
* 排版机操作员 typesetting machine operator 
* 排版机招标 typesetting machine tender 
* 印刷工 typographer 
* 印刷工学徒 typographer apprentice 
* 多种印字机运营商 VariTyper operator 
* 可视图文运营商 videotext operator  
