加拿大移民 > 43203 边境服务、海关和移民官员
43203 边境服务、海关和移民官员

43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes government officers who administer and enforce laws and regulations related to immigration, employment insurance, customs and tax revenue. They are employed by government agencies. 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 边境服务人员 border services officer 
* 海关检查员 customs inspector 
* 稽查 customs officer 
* 就业保险代理人 employment insurance agent 
* 就业保险福利管制人员 employment insurance benefits control officer 
* 移民代理 - 政府服务 immigration agent – government services 
* 移民审查官员 immigration examining officer 
* 税收官 revenue officer 
* 税收征管人员 tax collection officer 
* 税务执法人员 tax enforcement officer 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

###就业保险人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Employment insurance officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 确定申请就业保险福利人员的资格 
Determine the eligibility of persons applying for employment insurance benefits 

* 查清失业原因和可适用的工作等问题的事实真相 
Ascertain the facts on such issues as reasons for loss of employment and availability for work 

* 当怀疑有欺诈或滥用行为时,监控索赔利益的支付,并对索赔进行调查。 
Monitor the payments of benefits throughout the duration of a claim and investigate claimants when there appears to be fraud or abuse. 

###入境处人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Immigration officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 通过检查文件和进行面谈,确定申请进入加拿大的人选。 
Determine admissibility of persons seeking entry into Canada by examining documents and conducting interviews 

* 授予加拿大移民身份,承认身份或拘留或驱逐出境 
Grant landed-immigrant status, admit persons or order detention or deportation 

* 定位并逮捕被推定为侵犯移民法的人员 
Locate and apprehend persons presumed to be infringing on immigration laws 

* 通过寻求接受国的授权,并确保必要的旅行证件,从而协助解除被驱逐身份 
Assist in the removal of deported people by seeking authorization from receiving countries and securing necessary travel documents 

* 有关移民上诉案件中作为证人出现。 
Appear as a witness in cases related to immigration appeals. 

###边境服务官员和海关检查员执行部分或全部下列职责:Border services officers and customs inspectors perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 提问出入境人员,以确定受理的商品并进行关税评估 
Question persons at border points to determine the admissibility of goods and assess duty 

* 检查行李检测未申报的商品或违禁物品 
Inspect baggage to detect undeclared merchandise, or contraband 

* 通知制造商和托运人有关海关,法律和程序的相关事宜 
Inform manufacturers and shippers of customs and laws and procedures 

* 观察受海关法律影响的物品的制造,并进行考核 
Observe fabrication of articles affected by customs laws and conduct appraisals 

* 登陆来自国外的运输载体进行检查,以确定货物的性质,以确保遵守海关和商业法律 
Board carriers arriving from foreign countries to determine nature of cargo to ensure compliance with customs and commerce laws 

* 检查邮寄的进口货物 
Inspect goods imported by mail 

* 根据海关法或其他某些指定的刑法罪行,可以逮捕和拘留可能涉嫌犯有刑事罪行的个人,直到警察干预为止。 
May arrest and detain individuals suspected of having committed a criminal offence under the Customs Act or certain other designated Criminal Code offences until police intervention is possible. 

###海关税收人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Excise tax revenue officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 审核会计记录,以确定税收,免税,支付的相关税费,是否符合申报规定及存在欺诈行为 
Audit accounting records to determine income, exemptions, payable taxes, compliance with reporting regulations and existence of fraud 

* 检查会计制度及组织的内部管理 
Examine accounting systems and internal controls of organizations 

* 为缴税商品提供咨询报告和评价方法 
Provide advice on reporting and evaluation methods for goods subject to taxation 

* 准备简报,协助搜差和扣押记录,并准备诉讼案件费用。 
Prepare briefs and assist in searching and seizing records, and in preparing charges for court cases. 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要大学本科学历或大专文凭。 
A bachelor's degree or college diploma is usually required. 

* 可能需要几年的相关行政或监管经验。 
Several years of related administrative or regulatory experience may be required. 

* 必需完成政府专门培训。 
Completion of specialized government training is required. 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升为这些领域的管理岗位。 
Progression to managerial positions in these fields is possible with experience. 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants [1111](1111) 
* 负责移民或就业保险(政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理) Managers responsible for immigration or employment insurance (in [0411](0411) Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration ) 
* 负责税收或关税(政府管理者 - 经济分析,政策制定和计划管理) Managers responsible for taxation revenue or customs (in [0412](0412) Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration ) 
* 其他财务人员 Other financial officers [1114](1114) 
* 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4164](4164) 

## 43203 就业保险,移民,边境服务和税收官员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 仲裁官 - 就业保险 adjudication officer – employment insurance 
* 仲裁官 - 移民 adjudication officer – immigration 
* 审裁官 - 就业保险 adjudicator – employment insurance 
* 法官 - 就业保险 appeal judge – employment insurance 
* 上诉人员 appeal officer 
* 上诉官 - 征税 appeal officer – taxation 
* 海关估价师 appraiser, customs 
* 评估人员 - 税收 assessing officer – taxation 
* 评估单位主管 - 税项 assessing unit head – taxation 
* 评估员,税收 assessor, tax 
* 审计评审 - 税收 audit reviewer – taxation 
* 行李检查,海关 baggage inspector, customs 
* 边境服务人员 border services officer 
* 案件的审查人员 - 移民 case review officer – immigration 
* 公民登记考官 citizenship registration examiner 
* 索赔仲裁官 - 就业保险 claims adjudication officer – employment insurance 
* 索赔审判员 - 就业保险 claims adjudicator – employment insurance 
* 索赔处理人员 - 移民 claims processing officer – immigration 
* 收款代理人 - 政府服务 collection agent – government services 
* 收集人员 - 税收 collection officer – taxation 
* 采集单元头 - 政府服务 collection unit head – government services 
* 覆盖范围和解释税务人员 - coverage and interpretation officer – taxation 
* 海关和消费考官的 customs and excise examiner 
* 海关估价师 customs appraiser 
* 海关行李检查员 customs baggage inspector 
* 海关关长 customs collector 
* 报关员 customs examiner 
* 海关查验主管 customs inspection supervisor 
* 海关检查员 customs inspector 
* 海关督察监督员 customs inspectors supervisor 
* 海关调查员 customs investigator 
* 稽查 customs officer 
* 就业保险代理人 employment insurance agent 
* 就业保险金的理赔调查员 employment insurance benefit claims investigator 
* 就业保险福利管制人员 employment insurance benefits control officer 
* 就业保险人员 employment insurance officer 
* 考官,公民登记 examiner, citizenship registration 
* 消费税代理 excise duty agent 
* 消费税人员 excise duty officer 
* 消费税主管 excise duty supervisor 
* 消费考官 excise examiner 
* 消费税收征管的主管 excise tax collection supervisor 
* 消费税集热器 excise tax collector 
* 消费税督察 excise tax inspector 
* 消费税人员主管 excise tax officers supervisor 
* 现场核数师 - 税收 field auditor – taxation 
* 商品及服务税(GST)收集人员 goods and services tax (GST) collection officer 
* 商品及服务税(GST)收集人员 GST (goods and services tax) collection officer 
* 移民法“执法人员 Immigration Act enforcement officer 
* 移民代理 - 政府服务 immigration agent – government services 
* 移民上诉人员 immigration appeal officer 
* 移民考官 immigration examiner 
* 移民审查官员 immigration examining officer 
* 移民检查员 immigration inspector 
* 移民官 - 政府服务 immigration officer – government services 
* 移民官员主管 immigration officers supervisor 
* 海关督察, inspector, customs 
* 调查员,税务 investigator, taxation 
* 市政税吏 municipal tax collector 
* 税务办公室核数师 - office auditor – taxation 
* 干事,审判 - 就业保险 officer, adjudication – employment insurance 
* 干事,审判 - 移民 officer, adjudication – immigration 
* 人员,就业保险 officer, employment insurance 
* 主任,入境事务 - 政府服务 officer, immigration – government services 
* 人员,税务 officer, taxation 
* 区域索赔和福利人员 - 就业保险 regional claims and benefits officer – employment insurance 
* 税收代理 revenue agent 
* 营收代理 revenue officer 
* 税收恢复人员 revenue recovery officer 
* 税收监督员 revenue supervisor 
* 继任义务核数师 - 税收 succession duty auditor – taxation 
* 主管,报关报检 supervisor, customs inspection 
* 监事,消费税人员 supervisor, excise tax officers 
* 监事,移民官员 supervisor, immigration officers 
* 税务上诉主任 tax appeal officer 
* 估税 tax assessor 
* 税务审计师 - 政府服务 tax auditor – government services 
* 税收征管人员 tax collection officer 
* 税务执法人员 tax enforcement officer 
* 税务口译人员 tax interpretation officer 
* 税务调查员 tax investigator 
* 税务人员 tax officer 
* 税务回收人员 tax recovery officer 
* 税务调查员 taxation investigator 
* 税务人员 taxation officer 
