加拿大移民 > 60010 公司销售经理 Corporate sales managers
60010 公司销售经理 Corporate sales managers

60010 公司销售经理 Corporate sales managers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Corporate sales managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of establishments and departments involved in commercial, industrial, institutional, e-business and wholesale and retail sales. They are employed by commercial, industrial and wholesale and retail trade establishments. 

## 60010 公司销售经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 公司销售经理 corporate sales manager 
* 经理,贸易扩展 manager, trade expansion 
* 全国客户经理 - 销售 national accounts manager – sales 
* 区域销售经理 regional sales manager 

## 60010 公司销售经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

* 公司销售经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Corporate sales managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 规划指导和评估商业,工业,批发和零售业及其他机构的销售部门的活动 
Plan direct and evaluate the activities of sales departments in commercial, industrial, wholesale and retail and other establishments 

* 组织区域和部门的销售业务 
Organize regional and divisional sales operations 

* 建立组织有关销售政策和程序 
Establish organizational policies and procedures in relation to sales 

* 确定相关的新产品线的战略规划 
Determine strategic planning related to new product lines 

* 带领销售团队建设与商业客户的关系和管理销售合同的谈判 
Lead sales team in building relationships with business clients and manage negotiations of sales contracts 

* 招募,组织,培训及管理人员 
Recruit, organize, train and manage staff 

* 可能与营销协作,以理解和沟通该领域的营销信息。 
May work with the marketing department to understand and communicate marketing messages to the field. 

## 60010 公司销售经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 商业或营销专业的相关领域大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in business or in a related field with a specialization in sales 

* 销售代表或相关的职业通常需要多年的经验。 
Several years of experience as a sales representative or in a related occupation are usually required. 

## 60010 公司销售经理附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,有可能晋升为高级管理职位。 
Progression to senior management positions is possible with experience. 

## 60010 公司销售经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 广告,市场营销和公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [0124](0124) 
* 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621) 
* 高级管理人员 - 贸易,广播和其他业务,NEC Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. [0015](0015) 
* 监事的技术销售人员(技术销售专家 - 批发贸易) Supervisors of technical salespersons (in [6221](6221) Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade ) 

## 60010 公司销售经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 客户经理 - 销售 account manager – sales 
* 区域销售经理 area sales manager 
* 商业客户经理 commercial accounts manager 
* 公司销售经理 corporate sales manager 
* 分销经理 - 销售 distribution manager – sales 
* 区域经理,零售 district manager, retail 
* 区经理,销售(除保险和房地产) district manager, sales (except insurance and real estate) 
* 部门销售经理 divisional sales manager 
* 电子商务(电子商务)销售经理 e-commerce (electronic commerce) sales manager 
* 出口销售经理 export sales manager 
* 现场销售经理 field sales manager 
* 关键客户经理 - 销售 key accounts manager – sales 
* 经理,企业销售 manager, corporate sales 
* 经理,出口销售 manager, export sales 
* 经理,现场销售 manager, field sales 
* 经理,旅行团销售 manager, package tour sales 
* 经理,销售及分销 manager, sales and distribution 
* 经理,销售规划 manager, sales planning 
* 经理,贸易扩张 manager, trade expansion 
* 全国客户经理 - 销售 national accounts manager – sales 
* 全国销售经理 national sales manager 
* 旅行团销售经理 package tour sales manager 
* 产品经理 product manager 
* 区域总监,销售 regional director, sales 
* 区域经理 - 销售 regional manager – sales 
* 区域销售总监 regional sales director 
* 区域销售经理 regional sales manager 
* 零售区经理 retail district manager 
* 销售管理员 sales administrator 
* 销售及分销经理 sales and distribution manager 
* 销售总监(零售和批发除外) sales director (except retail and wholesale) 
* 销售区域经理(除保险和房地产) sales district manager (except insurance and real estate) 
* 销售经理(零售和批发除外) sales manager (except retail and wholesale) 
* 销售经理,电子商务(电子商务) sales manager, e-commerce (electronic commerce) 
* 销售经理,旅行团 sales manager, package tours 
* 销售策划经理 sales planning manager 
* 地区经理 - 销售 territory manager – sales 
* 贸易扩张经理 trade expansion manager 
* 区域经理 - 销售 zone manager – sales 
