加拿大移民 > 40010 政府管理人员-卫生和社会政策制定和项目管理
40010 政府管理人员-卫生和社会政策制定和项目管理

40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理 Government managers – health and social policy development and program administration - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Government managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the development and administration of health care policies, social policies and related programs designed to protect and promote the health and social welfare of individuals and communities. These managers are employed by government departments and agencies. 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 城市医疗人员的健康 - 政府服务 city medical officer of health – government services 
* 董事,健康信息和推广 - 政府服务 director, health information and promotion – government services 
* 董事,移民和结算 - 政府服务 director, immigration and settlement – government services 
* 健康计划的业务经理 - 政府服务 health program operations manager – government services 
* 住房政策及开发总监 - 政府服务 housing policy and development director – government services 
* 社会服务总监 - 政府服务 social services director – government services 
* 社会服务规划经理 - 政府服务 social services planning manager – government services 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

健康和社会政策的制定和计划管理的政府管理人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Government managers in health and social policy development and program administration perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 为政府高级管理者提供建议,参与健康或社会政策的发展 
Participate in the development of health or social policies by providing advice to senior government managers 

* 组织协调部门单位,并建立程序,以满足高级管理人员设置的部门内目标 
Organize departmental unit and establish procedures to meet departmental objectives set by senior management 

* 指导和建议健康或社会政策研究人员,顾问或方案研究的人员,为个人和社区的卫生和社会服务,就业和移民,劳工或住房等领域,准备文件或管理方案 
Direct and advise health or social policy researchers, consultants or program officers who conduct research, prepare documents or administer programs for individuals and communities in areas such as health and social services, employment and immigration, labour or housing 

* 规划,管理和控制用于研究和管理,支持服务、设备和用品的预算 
Plan, administer and control budgets for research and administration, support services and equipment and supplies 

* 组织和指导委员会和工作组规划,管理或评估卫生和社会服务项目和方案 
Organize and direct committees and working groups to plan, manage or evaluate health and social services projects and programs 

* 面试,聘用及培训员工。 
Interview, hire and provide training for staff. 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

### 卫生政策开发和项目管理方向的政府管理者任职要求 Government managers in health policy development and program administration 

* 健康科学,医院管理或公共管理专业大学本科学历或大专文凭,或社会科学专业学士学位。 
A bachelor's degree or college diploma in health science, hospital administration or public administration or a bachelor's degree in social science is required. 

* 健康,社会科学或行政纪律的研究生学位。 
A graduate degree in a health, social science or an administrative discipline may be required. 

* 健康或社会政策研究员,顾问或项目官员通常要求具有多年工作经验。 
Several years of experience as a health or social policy researcher, consultant or program officer are usually required. 

* 对于卫生政策开发和项目管理的政府管理者,必须具备卫生专业认证,例如,城市的医疗保健人员必须具备医师资格证。 
For some government managers in health policy development and program administration, certification in the relevant health profession is required. For example, city medical officers of health must be physicians. 

### 社会政策的制定和项目管理方向的政府管理者任职要求 Government managers in social policy development and program administration 

* 社会科学学科大学本科学历或大专文凭,如社会学或经济学,或行政纪律,如公共管理。 
A bachelor's degree or a college diploma in a social science discipline, such as sociology or economics, or an administrative discipline, such as public administration, is required. 

* 社会科学或行政纪律研究生学位亦可。 
A graduate degree in a social science or an administrative discipline may be required. 

* 社会政策研究员,顾问或项目官员通常要求具有多年的经验。 
Several years of experience as a social policy researcher, consultant or program officer are usually required. 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能晋升为卫生和社会政策领域有经验的高级管理职位 
Progression to senior management positions in the health and social policy fields is possible with experience. 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 政府管理者 - 经济分析,政策制定和计划管理 Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration [0412](0412) 
* 政府管理者 - 制定教育政策和程序管理 Government managers - education policy development and program administration [0413](0413) 
* 医疗保健经理 Managers in health care [0311](0311) 
* 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services [0423](0423) 
* 公共行政的其他经理 Other managers in public administration [0414](0414) 
* 政府项目经理(政策和程序的研究人员,顾问和管理人员) Program managers in government (in [416](416) Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers ) 
* 政府高级管理人员和政府官员 Senior government managers and officials [0012](0012) 

## 40010 政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 调整方案总监 - 政府服务 adjustment programs director – government services 
* 行政法庭法官 - 政府服务 administrative tribunal judge – government services 
* 管理员,社会计划 - 政府服务 administrator, social programs – government services 
* 管理员,交通安全 - 政府服务 administrator, traffic safety – government services 
* 管理员,福利服务 - 政府服务 administrator, welfare services – government services 
* 学徒培训总监 - 政府服务 apprenticeship training director – government services 
* 学徒培训服务总监 - 政府服务 apprenticeship training service director – government services 
* 助理首席卫生检查员 - 政府服务 assistant chief health inspector – government services 
* 副主任,健康计划 - 政府服务 assistant director, health programs – government services 
* 副主任,社会计划 - 政府服务 assistant director, social programs – government services 
* 职业发展和就业区主任 - 政府服务 career development and employment district director – government services 
* 职业发展部主任 - 政府服务 career development director – government services 
* 职业信息部主任 - 政府服务 career information director – government services 
* 科长,索赔和给付控制 - 就业保险 chief, claims and benefits control – employment insurance 
* 科长,卫生信息和推广 - 政府服务 chief, health information and promotion – government services 
* 首席健康推广 - 政府服务 chief, health promotion – government services 
* 科长,移民复议和行政诉讼 - 政府服务 chief, immigration appeals and litigation – government services 
* 科长,查询和服务 - 就业保险 chief, inquiries and services – employment insurance 
* 首席,劳动力需求分析 - 政府服务 chief, labour demand analysis – government services 
* 健康促进科长,办公室 - 政府服务 chief, office of health promotion – government services 
* 科长,区域支付中心 - 就业保险 chief, regional pay centre – employment insurance 
* 首席,还款及福利的控制 - 就业保险 chief, repayment and benefits control – employment insurance 
* 科长,社会发展计划 - 政府服务 chief, social development programs – government services 
* 科长,社会方案的制定 - 政府服务 chief, social programs development – government services 
* 儿童福利区域经理 - 政府服务 child welfare regional manager – government services 
* 儿童福利服务经理 - 政府服务 child welfare services manager – government services 
* 城市医疗人员的健康 - 政府服务 city medical officer of health – government services 
* 索赔和给付控制首席 - 就业保险 claims and benefits control chief – employment insurance 
* 社区规划总监 - 政府服务 community planning director – government services 
* 社区康复管理 - 政府服务 community rehabilitation manager – government services 
* 日托规划服务总监 - 政府服务 day-care planning services director – government services 
* 董事,调整方案 - 政府服务 director, adjustment programs – government services 
* 董事,学徒培训 - 政府服务 director, apprenticeship training – government services 
* 董事,学徒培训服务 - 政府服务 director, apprenticeship training service – government services 
* 董事,事业发展 - 政府服务 director, career development – government services 
* 董事,职业信息 - 政府服务 director, career information – government services 
* 董事,社区规划 - 政府服务 director, community planning – government services 
* 董事,日托规划服务 - 政府服务 director, day-care planning services – government services 
* 董事,就业和保险方案 - 政府服务 director, employment and insurance programs – government services 
* 董事,就业平等计划 - 政府服务 director, employment equity programs – government services 
* 董事,就业方案 - 政府服务 director, employment programs – government services 
* 董事,环保健康服务 - 政府服务 director, environmental health services – government services 
* 董事,家庭及儿童服务 - 政府服务 director, family and children's services – government services 
* 董事,家庭福利 - 政府服务 director, family benefits – government services 
* 董事,家庭服务 - 政府服务 director, family services – government services 
* 主任,医疗保险计划 - 政府服务 director, health care insurance plan – government services 
* 董事,医疗保险退款索赔 - 政府服务 director, health care insurance refund claims – government services 
* 董事,健康教育 - 政府服务 director, health education – government services 
* 董事,健康信息和推广 - 政府服务 director, health information and promotion – government services 
* 董事,保健服务 - 政府服务 director, health services – government services 
* 董事,家居照顾服务 - 政府服务 director, home care services – government services 
* 董事,家政服务 - 政府服务 director, homemaker services – government services 
* 董事,家政服务 - 政府服务 director, housekeeping services – government services 
* 董事,住房政策和发展 - 政府服务 director, housing policy and development – government services 
* 董事,移民和结算 - 政府服务 director, immigration and settlement – government services 
* 董事,移民上诉部门 - 政府服务 director, Immigration Appeal Division – government services 
* 董事,工业卫生与健康 - 政府服务 director, industrial hygiene and health – government services 
* 董事,在职培训 - 政府服务 director, job training – government services 
* 董事,当地的卫生服务 - 政府服务 director, local health services – government services 
* 董事,职业培训 - 政府服务 director, occupational training – government services 
* 董事,专业发展 - 政府服务 director, professional development – government services 
* 董事,保护服务 - 政府服务 director, protection services – government services 
* 董事,农村住房方案 - 政府服务 director, rural housing programs – government services 
* 董事,解决方案 - 政府服务 director, settlement programs – government services 
* 董事,社会规划 - 政府服务 director, social planning – government services 
* 董事,社会服务 - 政府服务 director, social services – government services 
* 董事,社会服务政策,规划和研究 - 政府服务 director, social services policy, planning and research – government services 
* 董事,社会调查 - 政府服务 director, social surveys – government services 
* 院长,社会工作 - 政府服务 director, social work – government services 
* 董事,调查研究 - 政府服务 director, survey research – government services 
* 董事,职业教育 - 政府服务 director, vocational education – government services 
* 董事,职业培训 - 政府服务 director, vocational training – government services 
* 董事,福利服务 - 政府服务 director, welfare services – government services 
* 董事,福利服务管理 - 政府服务 director, welfare services administration – government services 
* 区管理员,收入保障 - 政府服务 district administrator, income security – government services 
* 区主任,职业发展和就业 - 政府服务 district director, career development and employment – government services 
* 区主任,职业发展和就业 - 政府服务 district director, professional development and employment – government services 
* 区主任,农村和土著住房服务 - 政府服务 district director, rural and Native housing services – government services 
* 区域经理 - 就业保险 district manager – employment insurance 
* 教务主任,公共健康护理 - 政府服务 educational director, public health nursing – government services 
* 就业和保险方案总监 - 政府服务 employment and insurance programs director – government services 
* 就业指导中心主任 employment centre director 
* 就业平等计划主任 - 政府服务 employment equity programs director – government services 
* 就业保险区域经理 - 政府服务 employment insurance regional manager – government services 
* 就业计划总监 - 政府服务 employment programs director – government services 
* 环境健康服务总监 - 政府服务 environmental health services director – government services 
* 家庭及儿童服务总监 - 政府服务 family and children's services director – government services 
* 家庭福利总监 - 政府服务 family benefits director – government services 
* 家庭服务总监 - 政府服务 family services director – government services 
* 食品安全计划经理 - 政府服务 food safety programs manager – government services 
* 健康和福利经理 - 政府服务 health and welfare manager – government services 
* 保健保险计划总监 - 政府服务 health care insurance plan director – government services 
* 医疗保险退税要求董事 - 政府服务 health care insurance refund claims director – government services 
* 健康教育总监 - 政府服务 health education director – government services 
* 健康信息和宣传科长 - 政府服务 health information and promotion chief – government services 
* 健康信息和推广总监 - 政府服务 health information and promotion director – government services 
* 健康计划的业务经理 - 政府服务 health program operations manager – government services 
* 健康计划主任助理 - 政府服务 health programs assistant director – government services 
* 健康促进长 - 政府服务 health promotion chief – government services 
* 健康服务总监 - 政府服务 health services director – government services 
* 卫生战略经理 - 政府服务 health strategies manager – government services 
* 家居照顾服务总监 - 政府服务 home care services director – government services 
* 家政服务总监 - 政府服务 homemaker services director – government services 
* 家政服务总监 - 政府服务 housekeeping services director – government services 
* 住房政策及开发总监 - 政府服务 housing policy and development director – government services 
* 移民和结算总监 - 政府服务 immigration and settlement director – government services 
* 移民上诉部主任 - 政府服务 Immigration Appeal Division director – government services 
* 移民复议和行政诉讼的首席 - 政府服务 immigration appeals and litigation chief – government services 
* 移民上诉经理 - 政府服务 immigration appeals manager – government services 
* 收入保障区管理员 - 政府服务 income security district administrator – government services 
* 收入保障区域经理 - 政府服务 income security regional manager – government services 
* 工业卫生和健康总监 - 政府服务 industrial hygiene and health director – government services 
* 查询及服务主任 - 就业保险 inquiries and services chief – employment insurance 
* 在职培训主任 - 政府服务 job training director – government services 
* 法官,行政审裁处 - 政府服务 judge, administrative tribunal – government services 
* 劳动力需求分析首席 - 政府服务 labour demand analysis chief – government services 
* 劳动区域总监 - 政府服务 labour regional director – government services 
* 当地的卫生服务总监 - 政府服务 local health services director – government services 
* 经理,儿童福利服务 - 政府服务 manager, child welfare services – government services 
* 经理,社区康复 - 政府服务 manager, community rehabilitation – government services 
* 经理,区域 - 就业保险 manager, district – employment insurance 
* 经理,食品安全方案 - 政府服务 manager, food safety programs – government services 
* 经理,健康和福利 - 政府服务 manager, health and welfare – government services 
* 经理,医疗程序操作 - 政府服务 manager, health program operations – government services 
* 经理,健康策略 - 政府服务 manager, health strategies – government services 
* 经理,移民上诉 - 政府服务 manager, immigration appeals – government services 
* 经理,社会服务规划 - 政府服务 manager, social services planning – government services 
* 经理,调查研究 - 政府服务 manager, survey research – government services 
* 医疗人员的健康,城市 - 政府服务 medical officer of health, city – government services 
* 梅蒂斯发展计划区域总监 - 政府服务 Métis development programs regional director – government services 
* 市政官员,公众健康 - 政府服务 municipal officer, public health – government services 
* 职业培训总监 - 政府服务 occupational training director – government services 
* 健康促进办公室主任 - 政府服务 office of health promotion chief – government services 
* 职业发展和就业区主任 - 政府服务 professional development and employment district director – government services 
* 专业发展总监 - 政府服务 professional development director – government services 
* 保护服务总监 - 政府服务 protection services director – government services 
* 公共管理者 - 政府服务 public administrator – government services 
* 公共卫生主任 public health director 
* 公共卫生市政人员 - 政府服务 public health municipal officer – government services 
* 公共健康护理教育主任 - 政府服务 public health nursing educational director – government services 
* 区域主任,劳动 - 政府服务 regional director, labour – government services 
* 区域总监,梅蒂斯发展计划 - 政府服务 regional director, Métis development programs – government services 
* 区域总监,服务社会 - 政府服务 regional director, social services – government services 
* 区域经理,儿童福利 - 政府服务 regional manager, child welfare – government services 
* 区域经理,就业保险 - 政府服务 regional manager, employment insurance – government services 
* 区域经理,收入保障 - 政府服务 regional manager, income security – government services 
* 区域经理,农村和土著住房 - 政府服务 regional manager, rural and Native housing – government services 
* 区域的收费中心首席 - 就业保险 regional pay centre chief – employment insurance 
* 还款及福利控制首席 - 就业保险 repayment and benefits control chief – employment insurance 
* 农村和原住民的住房区域经理 - 政府服务 rural and Aboriginal housing regional manager – government services 
* 农村和原住民的住房服务区主任 - 政府服务 rural and Aboriginal housing services district director – government services 
* 农村和土著房屋区域经理 - 政府服务 rural and Native housing regional manager – government services 
* 农村和土著住房服务区主任 - 政府服务 rural and Native housing services district director – government services 
* 农村住房项目总监 - 政府服务 rural housing programs director – government services 
* 结算项目总监 - 政府服务 settlement programs director – government services 
* 社会发展计划首席 - 政府服务 social development programs chief – government services 
* 社交策划总监 - 政府服务 social planning director – government services 
* 社会福利计划管理员 - 政府服务 social programs administrator – government services 
* 社会福利计划主任助理 - 政府服务 social programs assistant director – government services 
* 社会计划开发的首席 - 政府服务 social programs development chief – government services 
* 社会服务总监 - 政府服务 social services director – government services 
* 社会服务规划经理 - 政府服务 social services planning manager – government services 
* 社会服务的政策,规划和研究总监 - 政府服务 social services policy, planning and research director – government services 
* 社会服务区域总监 - 政府服务 social services regional director – government services 
* 社会调查总监 - 政府服务 social surveys director – government services 
* 社会工作主任 - 政府服务 social work director – government services 
* 调查研究部主任 - 政府服务 survey research director – government services 
* 调查研究经理 - 政府服务 survey research manager – government services 
* 交通安全管理员 - 政府服务 traffic safety administrator – government services 
* 职业教育总监 - 政府服务 vocational education director – government services 
* 职业培训总监 - 政府服务 vocational training director – government services 
* 福利服务的行政总监 - 政府服务 welfare services administration director – government services 
* 福利服务管理员 - 政府服务 welfare services administrator – government services 
* 福利服务总监 - 政府服务 welfare services director – government services
