加拿大移民 > 10030 电信运营经理头衔范例 Example Titles
10030 电信运营经理头衔范例 Example Titles

10030 电信运营经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 设施经理,电信 facilities manager, telecommunications 
* 安装经理,电信 installation manager, telecommunications 
* 经理,电信服务 manager, telecommunications services 
* 微波设备经理 - 电信 microwave facilities manager – telecommunications 
* 网络安装经理 - 电信 network installation manager – telecommunications 
* 网络运营经理 - 电信 network operations manager – telecommunications 
* 网络服务经理 - 电信 network services manager – telecommunications 
* 操作和传输服务经理 - 电信 operations and transmission services manager – telecommunications 
* 区域经理 - 电信系统 regional manager – telecommunications system 
* 交换系统主管 - 电信 switching systems director – telecommunications 
* 电信经理 telecommunications manager 
* 电话公司的区域经理 telephone company district manager 

 10030 电信运营经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

电信运营商管理人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Telecommunication carriers managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指挥,控制和评估电信企业,部门或设施的运营 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility 

* 与高级管理人员共同商讨建立与电信服务的开发,运行和维护相关的政策 
Consult with senior managers to establish policies concerned with the development, operation and maintenance of telecommunications services 

* 通过下属监事和技术人员,指导和控制指定区域内的电信车流量 
Direct and control telecommunications traffic volume and flow within assigned areas, through subordinate supervisors and technical staff 

* 分析和评估电信安装,操作和维护服务,并提出改进建议 
Analyze and evaluate telecommunications installation, operation and maintenance services and make recommendations for improvement 

* 确保符合政府监管机构的电信法规和指令 
Ensure compliance with telecommunications regulations and directives of government regulatory agencies 

* 与相关或联谊公司的代表联络,以共同解决电信的问题,确保高效的电信系统业务 
Liaise with representatives of related or connecting companies to resolve joint telecommunications problems and ensure efficient telecommunications system operations 

* 招募人员,并监督培训 
Recruit personnel and oversee their training. 

10030 电信运营经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要具备科学,电子工程或相关领域的大学学位。 
A university degree in science, electrical engineering or a related field is usually required. 

* 通常需要几年相关的技术领域的工作经验,包括监管经验, 
Several years of experience in a related technical profession, including supervisory experience, are usually required. 

10030 电信运营经理任职要求附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验的积累,可能晋升为电信行业的高级管理职位 
Progression to senior management positions in telecommunications is possible with experience. 

10030 电信运营经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 广播经理(经理 - 出版,电影,广播和表演艺术)Broadcasting managers (in [0512](0512) Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts ) 
* 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013) 

10030 电信运营经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 公关经理 - 电信 communications manager – telecommunications 
* 统筹技术服务 - 电信 co-ordinator of technical services – telecommunications 
* 标度盘工厂经理 - 电信 dial plant manager – telecommunications 
* 标度盘厂长 - 电信 dial plant superintendent – telecommunications 
* 区域经理 - 电信 district manager – telecommunications 
* 区域经理,电话公司 district manager, telephone company 
* 地球站经理 - 电信 earth station manager – telecommunications 
* 设备科长 - 电信 equipment chief – telecommunications 
* 设施经理,电信 facilities manager, telecommunications 
* 安装管理者,电信 installation manager, telecommunications 
* 安装管理者 - 电信 installation superintendent – telecommunications 
* 经理,地球站 - 电信 manager, earth station – telecommunications 
* 经理,网络安装 - 电信 manager, network installation – telecommunications 
* 经理,网络 - 电信 manager, networks – telecommunications 
* 经理,空间方案 - 电信 manager, space programs – telecommunications 
* 经理,电信服务 manager, telecommunications services 
* 微波设备管理者 - 电信 microwave facilities manager – telecommunications 
* 网络行为中心经理助理 network conduct centre assistant manager 
* 网络安装管理者 - 电信 network installation manager – telecommunications 
* 网络运营经理 - 电信 network operations manager – telecommunications 
* 网络服务经理 - 电信 network services manager – telecommunications 
* 网络流量管理器 - 电信 network traffic manager – telecommunications 
* 网络经理 - 电信 networks manager – telecommunications 
* 操作和传输服务经理 - 电信 operations and transmission services manager – telecommunications 
* 业务经理 - 电信 operations manager – telecommunications 
* 生产经理 - 电信 production manager – telecommunications 
* 区域经理 - 电信系统 regional manager – telecommunications system 
* 空间项目经理 - 电信 space programs manager – telecommunications 
* 监控经理 - 电信 surveillance manager – telecommunications 
* 交换系统主管 - 电信 switching systems director – telecommunications 
* 技术服务统筹 - 电信 technical services co-ordinator – telecommunications 
* 技术服务经理 technical services manager 
* 电信经理 telecommunications manager 
* 电信服务经理 telecommunications services manager 
* 电话公司的区域经理 telephone company district manager 
* 交通局长 - 电信 traffic chief – telecommunications 
* 流量管理者 - 电缆系统 traffic manager – cable systems 
* 流量管理者 - 电话系统 traffic manager – telephone system 
* 传输流量管理者 - 电信 transmission traffic manager – telecommunications
